With their original mix of comedy, theater, modern vaudeville, music, and circus techniques, Duo Full House has enthralled audiences at indoor and outdoor festivals all over the world.

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National Theatre (London)
The international audience present in London during the Olympics was thrilled by Duo Full House's performance. Gaby’s Swiss innocence charmed the public even though Henry couldn’t refrain from poking fun at the English.
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La Mercé (Barcelona)
La Mercé is Barcelona's biggest festival, in honor of the patron saint who delivered the city from a plague of locusts in the Middle Ages.
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Busan Comedy Festival (Korea)
The Korean audience appreciated the performance's visual elements as well as some key phrases spoken in Korean by these two polyglots. The public always reacted completely in unison with "oohs", "uuhs", and "aahs"!
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European Juggling Convention (Karlsruhe)
It is always an honor to perform for colleagues. In this picture, Henry and Gaby emcee the opening show of the European Juggling Festival, however, only a small portion of the 10,000 people present were jugglers.
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Cape Town
Funny Festival (Cape Town)
Not only was the audience in Cape Town possibly one of the best in the world, but even the legendary nobel prize winner Desmond Tutu came backstage after the show.
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Artisti di Strada (Ascona)
A engagement in one's hometown is always a highlight. Duo Full House’s performance in a mixture of six and a half languages was perfect for the locals and tourists alike.
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Le Grand Bornand
Au Bonheure des Mômes
(Le Grand Bornand)
Why not indulge in a selfie while performing at one of France's most creative festivals? Too bad only about one third of the audience could fit in the picture.
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Fête de la Cité (Lausanne)
Playing on a round stage surrounded by public watching from all angles is no problem for these two professionals.
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Costa di Mezzate
Magie al Borgo
(Costa di Mezzate)
Italian audiences love improvisation! Perfect territory for Gaby & Henry: you never know whether they are truly improvising or it just seems so...
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Long Street Festival (Lugano)
Switzerland's canton of Ticino is full of summer festivals. Here is a midsummer Saturday night's performance in Lugano, Ticino's largest city.
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Brückensensationen (Rheinfelden)
On one side of the bridge over the Rhein is Germany: on the other side is Switzerland. This performance was on an island smack in the middle of the two countries.
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The unlikely mix of naughty New York glamour and Swiss countryside naivety generates a gripping performance that holds the audience spellbound. Cultural clashes, polyglot puns, improbable balancing acts, and anything from clubs to furniture are juggled to perfection in the hands of Henry Camus and Gaby Schmutz, as they transform the stage into a feast of extraordinary entertainment.